Frequently Asked Question

Geolocation-Related FAQs:


How does the app use my location data?

We get the location from your phone. It`s based on the permission that you give to the app. We have 3 options:

1. Allow all the time. We can get the location anytime, the device will allow us to get this info.

2. Allow only while using the app. We can this info only when you are using the app.

3. Ask every time (only android). Every time that we need to get the location, the device will ask for permission.


Do I have control over when my location is shared?

Yes! At any time you can activate or deactivate your location from your profile. You can even disappear from the list divided by kilometers, but remain in the list divided by cities, or vice versa.


Is my location data shared with anyone else besides my friends?

Your information will be shared with your friends that you have accepted in WhosClose, as well as with the app server so that it can show you events that occur near you. Rest assured that we treat this information with great delicacy and care.


How accurate is the location tracking in the app?

The location shown to your contacts will never be exact, unless you decide to communicate it through the chat by sending your location. Otherwise, the location that will be reported will be at the level of KM and/or cities. When you are less than 1 km away from certain people, it will appear as "close by".

WhosClose-Related FAQs:


What can I see in the main section of the app?

You will see your friends organized according to your location. This way, you will be able to see how many kilometers away they are from you, or if they are very close or very far away. By clicking on the city section, you can see your friends organized by the city they are in. Remember that you will only see those friends who have activated their location in the last 48 h!


Can I mute or block a contact?

Of course you can. You can do it from the menu that appears on the top right in each of your friends' profiles. You can access them from the "Chat" section, under "Contacts", or even by clicking on the name that appears in the list by proximity or by city. Remember they won`t know you blocked or muted them!


How can I add a user as a best friend?

You can create a list of best friends by adding friends with the heart that appears at the top of their profile. You can access your complete list of best friends by entering your profile. You can then filter your friends by this category or even create plans just for them.


Is the distance displayed in real-time?

Yes, each time that you open the whosclose app. We update the data and we show the distance in real-time


Can I easily find contacts in a specific city?

From the search engine, you can search for friends by city or by their name.


How do I access and edit my own profile?

You can access your profile by clicking on your image at the top left. From there, you can edit the privacy of your location, your interests, your current mood, your personal data, and even access your lists of muted, blocked and best friends.


Can I control who sees my location and city information?

Yes, you can enable or disable your general location from your profile and you can also block those friends that you do not want to see your location. They won't know you blocked them!

Chat-Related FAQs:


How do I add or remove friends from my contacts list?

From this section, in the contacts tab, you will be able to see your contacts that you have in your cell phone. From there, you can invite to the app those who do not have it yet. And to those who do have it, you can send them an invitation to be your friend. Remember that they will finally become your friends once they have accepted your invitation.


Is my chat history stored securely within the app?

Yes, we are encrypting the messages in the database.


Can I delete my messages?

Yes, of course. You can do this by clicking on the message or location you want to delete. The friend who received the message will not be notified that you deleted it.

Agenda-Related FAQs:


What is the Agenda section in the app?

The WhosClose Agenda will allow you to gather all your social plans in one place! In the form of a feed, you will be able to see the private plans created by your friends chronologically and by clicking on them you can access the details of the plan and let your friend know if you are going to join it. At the same time, the app will also share with you public events taking place near your area so you'll never be bored and without a plan to do!


How is the Agenda section divided?

There are three sections in the Agenda: “All plans”, which you can filter with the buttons above in case you only want to see the events happening in your city, today, or created by your best friends. The "My Plans" section, where you will find the plans created by you and the ones that you are going to attend. And the “Favorites” section, in case you have saved an event in your feed and want to have it at hand.


How can I create and manage plans in the Agenda?

You can create your own plan with the button at the top right. You will need to inform your friends of the name of the plan, when it will happen and where. Then, you have the option to customize your privacy, add tags and a description of the plan.


Can I invite my friends to join plans I create?

Remember that all the plans you create will be open for your friends to join. But at any time you will be able to edit the visibility you want to give to that plan.


Can I delete or edit my plans?

Yes! From "My plans" section you can do it. By clicking on them, you will find at the bottom the possibility to edit or delete your plans.


Can I share an event with people outside the app?

Yes you can. You will find a share icon at the bottom of each plan, when you are on the feed. You will be able to copy the link with the information or share it directly through WhatsApp.